Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Scare

Well this morning it happened. I asked daughter K to help me change my drain sponge and tracheostomy collar. Things were going along great; I removed the old collar and drain sponge. K placed the new sponge and opened the collar. This was when I decided to help her adjust the new collar’s length. What a mistake on my part because the next thing I remember is catching my entire Shiley Tracheostomy Tube in my hands.

At this point everyone became excited because K had never replaced my Tracheostomy Tube. It was a good thing it was Sunday because P was at the kitchen sink and not at work. She started telling K how to put the Tracheostomy Tube back in. However, I also was attempting to put it back. In my panic I had my head positioned too far back causing the opening to close. Finally P removed her dishwashing gloves, cleaned her hands and replaced the Tracheostomy Tube.

This happened because I varied from my routine. Instead of reaching for the collar, I should have allowed K to adjust it without my help. Normally P changes the drain sponge and collar. And when she is at work and the home aid is here, I always adjust the new collar before removing the old one.

I guess the old saying “Haste makes Waste” is true. This could have turned out a lot worse then it did. I am certain I will be more careful in the future. I just hope I remember this for a long time so that I don’t repeat this mistake.


Blogger dot said...

I bet that was scary! One of my patients pulled her's out one day and threw it on the floor. They got it back in quickly but it really scared her.(I was glad I was off that day)
I imagine your cardinals were really pretty against the snow. Maybe two of them left and came to my house!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 5:23:00 AM PST  

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