Monday, December 10, 2007

Feeling better time for Christmas baking.

Last week I was a feeling a bit discouraged. However over the weekend my evening temperature returned to my normal reading. Also I have stopped bringing up a lot of dark, smelly sputum. So I have reached the conclusion that I must have had a mucus plug causing the problem. I see my Pulmonologist next week Friday and plan on asking her about it then. As long as the sputum has cleared and the temperature has returned to normal I think it is OK to wait.

So today is a new day. I hope to make my mother's Speculaas recipe. Yesterday afternoon I sifted together the dry ingredients and P. added the wet and mixed the dough. The dough has been resting all night in the garage. Hopefully P. can help roll the dough out soon. If not I won't be making any cookies because I will have reached the end of my active period for the day.

I find that I now am only able to do things in the morning. Come the afternoon I am too tired to do much more then sit and doze. If I try to push myself during the afternoon, I spend the next couple of days totally exhausted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other than my daughters, who have my recipe, you're the only other person in the world I know who makes Speculaas! I got my reciped from a magazine almost 30 years ago. They are so good! I'm trying to lose weight so I haven't been baking cookies this year... so far ;)

Monday, December 10, 2007 at 11:17:00 AM PST  
Blogger Britt-Arnhild said...

Happy preparing for Christmas.

Saturday, December 15, 2007 at 11:24:00 AM PST  

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