Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy 80th Birthday

Saturday was Uncle B’s 80th birthday and P. and I went to a local park where his children and wife were having a family party for him. It was a lot of fun and I was able to visit with a lot of my cousins. Just after the food was delivered the announcement was made that before we would be allowed to eat, there was to be a group photo taken. I have to say that the photo was taken in record time. I will have to remember this the next time I need to take a large group photo.

My earliest memory of Uncle B. is he taking my older brother and myself to a White Sox baseball game. I have a vague memory of riding up a major street to the ball park. I have a vague memory of the game. I have a vivid memory of me sitting in the family car on the morning we were leaving my grandparents and my dad telling me I had to tell Uncle B. thanks for taking me to a baseball game. I sat there in the back seat pouting and I finally told my dad that Uncle B. should be thanking me for going with him instead of me thanking Uncle B. My Dad was so upset and I remember Uncle B. graciously saying that was all right if I didn’t say thank you.

Uncle B. owned a television sales and repair store. When we would come on our summer vacation to my grandparents, we always seem to stop at his store. We would park in the back of the store and walk in the back door. I loved standing in that repair area of his store. Sometime Uncle B. would take me along when he would go to a large shopping center to pick up televisions for repair. I think watching Uncle B. repairing televisions, going on those rides with him played a part in influencing my decision to go to a technical school after high school.


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